
Monday, May 05, 2014

A Complete Cellular Service Provider

In the current age of cellular dependence and effective communication, if this question is asked that,“What is a complete cellular service provider to you?” The following requirements would be an absolute necessity:

1. To be able to monitor the needs and requirements of the clients and offer proactive solutions for it. For example the need for cellular cases and other accessories like trendy hangings and other in vogue facilities should always be vigilantly evaluated and offered to maintain a satisfied clientele.

2. Is the availability of the latest model of the cell phone the only requirement for a good service provider? Well no sir not only that is a necessity but a full scale awareness of its technicalities along with the ability to educate the clientele is another top requirement.

3. The product or service provider’s job doesn’t end with the sales done and specifications made. Maintenance is a key issue. Many times many products are brought back for repair or replacement, as per the need. Hence considering the scenario timely decisions and services should be provided to keep the customer happy and content.

Cellz Emporium, San Antonio masters the above general requirements with quality repair works especially of iPhone and iPad. Similarly accessories are one of the flashiest attractions at Cellz Emporium, San Pedro Ave luring a lot of customers to the store for the exclusive colorful and smart accessories.

Considering the total success of the stores at San Pedro and San Antonio, today the store has attained a status of a one stop shop which offers one time solution for all the specific cellular needs. Cellz Emporium not only excels in customer satisfaction but shares a unique bond with them which is the real cause of customer attraction and retention. Needless to say the experience is extraordinary!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Apple’s Plans a Blocking System While Driving

Where cell phones and technology have adapted a synonymous role in the international market today, the number of threats to its dependency and addiction has also increased manifolds. In the class rooms, libraries, meeting halls and even while driving the cellular addiction is prominent and everywhere.

Due to the increase in the number of road accidents due to distractions caused by cell phones various cellular companies globally are forming strategies to introduce systems which offer a certain aid or blockage while driving. At Cellz Emporium, San Antonio various incidents and ideas are being shared by our clientele who on the basis of their experiences offer invaluable service advice.

Apple being an internationally acclaimed receptive scientific community plans to offer a service which would detect danger while the driver is on the road and block off the facility to text message or call. “Driver handheld computer device lockout” is the Apple’s patent title. The device shall have sensors to initially detect movement and warn if the speed limits exceeds. Similarly if while movement the phone is being held by the hand and if it detects a problem , the device will automatically block off all facilities which might causes undue distraction and hence danger to the driver.

At Cellz Emporium, San Antonio we believe that the initiative of Apple is an applaudible one and it is high time we invest in the safety and precautions of the clientele. It is the corporate social ethics of the cellular service providers to bring forth mechanics and systems through which safety could be increased especially those on the roads. Apple’s initiative to block off distractive functions not only will ensure less accidents but also if ingrained well, it will de-motivate the drivers to take calls or text message while driving or busy.

Friday, April 18, 2014

The ‘Kill Switch” Technology

Lost your phone? It got stolen? Or simply misplaced it? It contained the most important and private data? Or some personal pictures? Well technology today has revolutionized this concern that was previously a source of great displeasure, tension and regret for many. Today a new system of “Kill Switch” has been created which has enabled the owners of the phone to disable the entire system of the phone blocking anyone the ability to access anyone its content. Hence if your phone is stolen, hacked or missing due to any reason possible you can simply erase the entire content with this Kill switch option and relax at least about your privacy.

Apple, Samsung, Google, etc. the companies have signed onto the program and by 2015 all phones manufactured in the USA must have this technology. The cellular technology not only has reduced the communicative barrier but today the business and economics one too. Entire spreadsheets of the most important data are saved in an individual’s cellphone and if the phone gets into the wrong hands it could hence be used in a negative fashion. This ‘Kill Switch’ option shall ensure this ambiguity and concern is removed which makes the owner hesitate in saving his/her private and business details.

The feature basically locks the phone making it impossible except for the owner to unlock it and access its details. However many concerns are shared of its implementation. Many users are skeptical of its implementation but it is unanimously believed that the system if perfected could reap a lot of benefits in the mobile theft issues especially.

Cellz Emporium, San Antonio supports the Kill Switch system and wishes for the apt implementation of it to provide the maximum security and ease to our dear customers and the entire communicative system at large.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Evernote Offering Great Flexibility

Evernote is an application that is one of the most hyped and talked about in the world of communication today. Students, professors, doctors, housewives and all sectors of the people are using the application for the service of their personal or professional needs of note keeping and remembrance.

Evernote supports a number of softwares ranging from iOS, Androids, Windows, and Blackberry etc. however its range is not limited to keeping a record of words. The application has an ability to keep track of pictures, notes and is everything about managing your written stuff that you may want to use for later or keep it safe on your cell phone. Similarly its flexibility to transfer as email or to other applications like whatsApp, Facebook etc. makes it a lucrative option for safe keeping your data.

Cellz Emporium houses all these cellular mobiles which support the application and even offer to install it in your device there and then. The application has won a lot of fans world over and each one has an innovative use of it to offer. This luxury and ease of communication has definitely given the users an opportunity to explore more mediums of expression and then an easier approach to accessibility.

All in all along with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest, Evernote has definitely created a market of its own which targets a definite different class of creativity and those who love to express and later recollect.

At Cellz Emporium, San Antonio we are exposed to a class of buyers who are very technologically inclined. These buyers need not to educate much about the applications and their working mechanisms hence we take a step forward into introducing products which offer a certain feature more than the other. There deciding on the genre of the buyer they offer products which suit their interest best.

Monday, April 07, 2014

Cellz Emporium and Customer Awards

Be it HTC, Nokia, Samsung or the iPhone; Cellz Emporium is a one stop shop housing all brands of the mobile phones available in the market. “It is the outstanding architecture done of the shop which makes it oh-so-desirable to peek in and get your hands on your favorite stuff” comments our cherished customer Susan.

It is believed and is rightly so, it is an era of marketing and presentation. Hence we at Cellz Emporium San Antonio pay extra heed to the need and inculcate the latest marketing trends in all our endeavors. From presentation of our products to sales, not only our product is well packed, managed and presented it is sold with the best sales etiquette known to the business world.

“I am sure they do in-house training of their staff to make sure they leave their clients feel that extra happiness after receiving their goodies for the price paid” says Arthur. Well definitely! We do train our employees to complete the customer experience. To ensure that they comply with the marketing standards we have a new policy devised where there is a meeting of every sales person to share their experiences and then explore their options for the best solution. The workshop leader is then going to offer the best reinforcement and solution to educate the members the decorum of handling the range of easy to difficult customer.

“Never in my life have I witnessed a sad or dejected face from the super Cellz Emporium.” Replies to the query as to what lifts you when you enter the store. It is a source of immense pride for us at Cellz Emporium that we have reached that level where happy customer experience has become synonymous to the services of Cellz Emporium. It’s a great achievement for us indeed!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Success Story of a Teacher

The blogspot of Cellz Emporium, San Antonio has covered numerous articles on the technologies available in the store. The various brands from the Apple’s iPhone to the HTC and Samsung, all have been discussed significantly. Be it the complete cellular device or its accessory like a simple case providing the necessary protection to your valuable companion, Cellz Emporium has covered every detail intricately.

Today numerous details are listed down by people of the merits they have enjoyed due to the technology offered. One significant detail I would today cover is narrated by our dear client; a teacher. She told us how the internet on the cell phone with a good browse-ability has revolutionized her classroom settings. Today no longer she in between a class would require a giant dictionary, a reason to say lets discuss it tomorrow etc. Mrs. Linda Hailey delightedly would use her cell phone to connect to the world of internet, a world on her tips to access every information that could be required at the moment.

“This way my students also are interested as they get the latest of the knowledge there and then.” says Linda. “I feel I have more control over my lecture and class and am able to deliver much more.” She continues. This simple accessory which may look small today has become a backbone of an efficient and effective classroom setting. Mrs. Linda due to the technology in her hands feels better equipped and timely with resources all the time. Cellz Emporium, San Antonio takes pride in her clientele who come forward and share their success stories with us with the items they buy and then use it not only for the benefit of their own but the society at large.

If you have your success story to be shared of any device you bought from us, let us know and we shall get you posted online!

Monday, March 24, 2014

The Forward Thinking: iPhone 5s

Released on September 20th 2013 iPhone 5S breathes on the thought of forward thinking.The gadget is designed with a futuristic approach. The approach that encapsulates the maximum and the most efficient application of technology for the service of mankind is what the cellular device is all about.

It’s the generation next’s equipment which speaks clear of the one who possesses it. It’s a remarkable light designed model with iOS 7 software. The phone has a dual LED flash which makes it a leading state of the art model of technology servicing the mankind.

iPhone was the device which brought the revolutionary step of touch method in which your touch is required to access the phone, message, take snapshots or even play games. Today the iPhone 5s has introduced the system of touch for recognition of its owner. No need to remember passwords and go through the tedious task of typing it every time to access it. Your phone shall recognize your fingerprint and get you your desired access.

Engineering a new coprocessor and chip was all that required to give the phone the finesse of a superior device which in no way compromises the life of battery to that to speed and accessibility. If speed and aptness are the determinants than a strong coprocessor was a perfect option for us. The A7 chip is designed around a 64 bit architecture which is a revolutionary step for any of the available smart phones.

Cellz Emporium, San Antonio houses the beautiful and extraordinary piece of device with all the glamorous metallic colors. Available with perfect cases and accessories the phone in no way compromises on any level of quality and finish. Our clients have been extremely satisfied with the models and various colors they have purchased from us in the most nominal prices.


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Cellz Emporium Says Hello to WELLO

Well, hello to the pacing world of revolutions! Hello to Wello! Ever heard of it?

Well, Wello is an innovation in the era which has given a much more personal touch and meaning to the smart phone technology. It is actually an amazing piece of technology which makes known to you, your vital stats. Being a simple iPhone case, Wello can calculate your blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen, temperature and calculate your ECG.

Empowerment is what the current trend of technology has promised to the upcoming and the present generation of the age. Hence Wello is one giant step towards it. By enabling person knowledge of his stats in any given area or situation enables the person to make informed choices of his situation, lifestyle or consumption.

The simple case requires be holding in a special way and pressing on points for a certain time to ensure its operation. The device will then give a detailed summary of the vital stats on your screen. Cellz Emporium, San Antonio houses the case and with that provides the instructions of its optimum usage and maintenance.

Costing around $199 the case is a onetime investment which shall prove fruitful in the long term when you might not need to pay for separate devices and the measurement of your stats individually, costing you time and money. Once bought you can repeatedly use, any time anywhere without making appointments, or even getting up from your chair. It can accurately measures your stress level and ensure you get the most apt measurements on your phone.

While the world talks about the Wello fever, we at Cellz Emporium make the availability of the device possible for you. As we always say, Cellz Emporium, San Antonio is one stop that caters for all. All you need to do is make that right stop!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Cellz Emporium; for the Technologically Driven Market

Cellz Emporium, San Antonio is not only the most suitable one stop cell phone store which deals with the top quality mobiles and accessories but also it provides a perfect platform for those buyers who intend to make a purchase which is more viable to them and consider an already used phone.

iPhone, BlackBerry, HTC or Samsung it is perfectly understandable that the latest of these models are not only expensive but also they keep on technologically improving which makes the drive to acquire the latest for the technologically savvy a difficult option.

We at Cellz Emporium understand this unquenchable thirst for the techno- buzz clients of ours who simply want to acquire the most hi-tech stuff and use it to their heart’s content in the most minimum of the prices. The platform of Cellz Emporium makes it practical for these clients to acquire these gadgets as we at Cellz Emporium have a separate department which deals with these phones and are offered at phenomenal cut down rates.

It is seen that due to the mint conditions of these phones and guarantees there has developed a certain lucrative market for the interested buyers to ponder upon the decision whether to invest in a new gadget or simply reuse and buy a phone in the prim state.

Not only this, it is the policy at Cellz Emporium that the phones we maintain are not just bought as per the apparent mint and fine look. It is ensured by our experts that they give a thorough internal exam to the phone and ensure that there lies no discrepancy in the operation of the phone.

Cellz Emporium, San Antonio welcomes wholeheartedly the upcoming trend of borrowers, second hand users and then the sellers to operate in the most conducive technologically oriented market.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Cellz Emporium Experts in Managing Touch Screen Technology

The era of touch screens has revolutionized the mode of technology. Today mind sets have been changed owing to the trend of fast pacing innovations introduced in lifestyles due to the touch screen technology. Children of the generation seem to be prepared for it by default. Their touch is perfect and is done with an extraordinary finesse.

Cellz Emporium, San Antonio caters to this generation specifically well with the latest of the touch screen cell phones available. Today mostly all developmental technology has channeled its resources towards up gradation of the touch screen technology offering additional finesse and further ease to the already developed touch screen technology.

A touch screen however needs to be managed properly. Too many scratches on the phone can cause it to look ugly and misused. Cellz Emporium, San Antonio addresses specifically the needs of the customers who have bought touchscreens from us giving them clear guidelines of how to manage the cell phone better.

Sometimes we prescribe a certain liquid to polish it and maintain it of apertures. However we at Cellz Emporium cater to the damaged screen as well by replacing it. We have an expert group of technicians who help in resolving the solution.

Cellz Emporium, San Antonio operating in the heart of the state offers replacement and management of your touch screens in the most reasonable markets by the best technicians available. We are available24/7 round the clock to address specifically to your maintenance needs. The patient hearing we give to our clients and the customer service is flawless leaving our customers satisfied with the very empathy our employees provide to them.

Hence be it your iPhone, HTC, Samsung or any other touch screen model you own, Cellz Emporium San Antonio will be able to fulfill all your needs and problems regarding your touch screen requirements.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Repair Works at Cellz Emporium

Maintenance is the essence of management. If you want to retain a piece of equipment for longer periods of time you need to take apt measures to ensure its performance and reliability. Repair and maintenance is the right of every buyer and the responsibility of every seller.

Cellz Emporium, San Antonio ensures that the cellular device first and foremost is of the top quality any market has to offer. Secondly, wear and tear being bears obvious results hence repair is our number one agenda. To cater to clients who have their repair needs we have a separate group of experts who deal with the entire mechanism of the device. Technicians and operators who know the ergonomics and engineering of the phones form the pool of members who contribute to the repair works of clients.

We at Cellz Emporium are the advocates of repair and re-engineering working towards the cause of reducing the e-waste in the environment. The more the repair work is successful the lesser amount of budget will be spent in attainment of the new device. Specifically the amount of phones discarded will also reduce causing less effect of the toxic elements on the environment.

Be it any phone an iPhone, Samsung, HTC or LG, we at Cellz Emporium cater to every repair needs of our clients that is why we claim our shop as a one stop shop which addresses to all needs specifically. We have a complete set of refurbished phones which are also for sale and have a whole department which caters to it. For all the lovers of experience in an affordable budget, Cellz Emporium caters to a whole line of phones which are repaired and are then kept for sale.

So don’t let that non-working piece of equipment lying there on your bedside table, bring it to us and we will make them work for you!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Cellz Emporium provides Quality Chargers

Cell phone is to us today what oxygen is to humans. To move around without a cell phone is like staying incomplete and lost. Similarly what use is a cell phone which remains uncharged and due to that turned off most of the time? A good charger accompanying a cell phone is a must.

Many of the clients’ reason for loyalty with us at Cellz Emporium San Antonio are the provision of quality products which is one assurance by us which we don’t compromise on.

The quality of cell phone chargers is of prime importance to every individual around the globe. A user friendly cell phone which can be used just anywhere is what makes the cell phone a complete companion.

People who compromise on quality and buy cheaper versions of the charger end up inculcating more expenditure than required. Every time due to malfunctions a new charger is required; this becomes an inevitable solution then. Be it iPhone, BlackBerry, Samsung or HTC etc. you can get every brand of charger available at Cellz Emporium, San Antonio.

At Cellz Emporium you get the quality stuff of quality brands at your own convenience helped every step by the well trained staff. Our people at Cellz Emporium are there to guide you every step of the way to ensure that the brands you buy, have the top model charger accompanying with.

Cell phone chargers similarly need to be maintained likewise. It is advisable that undue connection to electricity should be avoided. Also once the phone is charged, the device should be removed. A few precautionary steps for maintenance would help the charger to be maintained in prim and proper condition.

If there is any kind of problem, be it your charging needs or repair, Cellz Emporium is there to attend to them all in the timeliest fashion possible.

Thursday, February 06, 2014

Essential is A Cell Phone’s Battery:

The glamour of technology and its off springs have generated the most advanced of the devices which has revolutionized the mode of communication. Today imagine yourselves without your smart phones. Is it even possible to imagine such an idea? Yes, alas the dependence on the smart phones has increased so much that having to do without it seems an absurd idea.

Now owning a smart phone means a lot of applications, softwares, messages, pictures, videos and games on one single device. Such phones has to have strong accessories to support the whole system which makes the run fine and of quality. In such cases the role of battery of your phone occupies a significant position. A weak battery can be a painful disposition in a sleek, sophisticated phone.

Cellz Emporium catering to the trends of technology and its requirement not only offers the best and the most sophisticated devices but ensures that the battery installed tops the quality maintained. However the life of battery maybe limited or due to wear and tear the life span may reduce of a phone’s battery. But no worries Cellz Emporium is a one stop stores in San Antonio which shall take care of your entire cellular and battery needs.

We at Cellz Emporium do realize that the applications you use and the data contained in that particular unit is of significant value to you hence we offer back up batteries to replace the one causing quick depletion. We have batteries for all the internationally renowned cellular phones ranging from the Samsung to the very trendy BlackBerry.

A battery of the phone plays the role of the skeleton of the phone and a discrepancy in it can cause serious setbacks in terms of short phone life and work remains incomplete. Let Cellz Emporium serve your cellular requirements better!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Forward Thinking: iPhone 5s

Released on September 20th 2013 iPhone 5S breathes on the thought of forward thinking. The gadget is designed with a futuristic approach. The approach that encapsulates the maximum and the most efficient application of technology for the service of mankind is what the cellular device is all about.

It’s the generation next’s equipment which speaks clear of the one who possesses it. It’s a remarkable light designed model with iOS 7 software. The phone has a dual LED flash which makes it a leading state of the art model of technology servicing the mankind.

iPhone was the device which brought the revolutionary step of touch method in which your touch is required to access the phone, message, take snapshots or even play games. Today the iPhone 5s has introduced the system of touch for recognition of its owner. No need to remember passwords and go through the tedious task of typing it every time to access it. Your phone shall recognize your fingerprint and get you your desired access.

Engineering a new coprocessor and chip was all that required to give the phone the finesse of a superior device which in no way compromises the life of battery to that to speed and accessibility. If speed and aptness are the determinants than a strong coprocessor was a perfect option for us. The A7 chip is designed around a 64 bit architecture which is a revolutionary step for any of the available smart phones.

Cellz Emporium, San Antonio houses the beautiful and extraordinary piece of device with all the glamorous metallic colors. Available with perfect cases and accessories the phone in no way compromises on any level of quality and finish. Our clients have been extremely satisfied with the models and various colors they have purchased from us in the most nominal prices.


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Cellz Emporium Offers Top of the Line Cellular Phones

It is safe to say that the current era covers the communication one. Communication of all sorts; be it through the medium of television, cell phones, messages, letters or even the newspapers. Time has proved to be conducive for the communication age. Thus the advancements to propogate and foster the process has been immense. Technology aided by science has proved its magic and wonder with how swiftly messages and communications of all sorts could be relayed from one end to the other.

Cellz Emporium propagating and catalyzing this age of technology offers the fastest and innovative devices to cater and walk in pace with the technological age. Offering state of the art and unique cell phones which a teenager to an adult relies on, Cellz Emporium has today taken the seat of the cell phone store whose quality and variety has become its core advantage.

Offering the IOS software of iPhones along with powerful android devices like Samsung and HTC which has managed to sweep away the global share forms the backbone of the store. Placed strategically in the technological hub of San Antonio, TX Cellz Emporium has utilized the niche and target well. The App Store in the cell phone has taken a significant lead in the most frequently used attribute of cell phones today. Hot cake softwares like WhatsApp, Facebook, Wordpress, Twitter, LinkedIn and like many others have become a globally connected social engine of today.

Today impossible it is to fathom a life without a cellular phone hence we offer the sleekest, trendiest, the most reliable and quality oriented equipment. Our phones are known for its best functional abilities and specifically for little or actually no hang ups. Cellz Emporium visualizing the times of today has sectioned the store which offer flexibility for our customers to choose from in a timely fashion.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Cellz Emporium Addressing the 5P’s of Marketing

Cellz Emporium is a business heavily dependent on the pleasure, need and approval of the people. We believe that Cellz Emporium is all about people and providing a place for them where they not only can get what they need but have adequate choices to do so make the procedure of buying a pleasurable one.

Of the crucial 5P’S of marketing namely product, price, promotion, placement and the recent one packaging Cellz Emporium has capitalized on all. Talking vividly of all the above P’s let’s analyze how well  Cellz Emporium with it proactive strategies has captured the large chunk of the cellular market:


It is no doubt that the flawlessness of products along with its guarantees with customer help 24/7 has ensured a business competitive edge which no other service provider in San Antonio, TX has been able to meet.


The price of our products are not only market compatible but the amount of bulk buying helps us to offer certain discounts whose benefits we forward to our valued clients. It is at Cellz Emporium our firm belief that it is the quality that matters the most and the customer has to only pay for quality and nothing else.


We at Cellz Emporium have designed many digital and displayed conventional modes of promotion. The ethical and morally acceptable standards of promotion have marked a different name for us in the cell phone business and our reach has further multiplied.


It’s not doubt that a product of Cellz Emporium carries a class of its own, with its fine, fancy packaging and up to date quality products.


Located at the hub of San Antonio, Cellz Emporium is definitely a one stop shop and acts as a complete solution provider for many individuals and even businesses.

Tuesday, January 07, 2014

The Joy of Variety at Cellz Emporium

Competitive edge- it is this theory that is the driving force of each business today. Every business strives and struggles for that edge which gives them precedence over others. It is a competitive edge when a certain business following a unique strategy, does a certain thing better and hence is a step ahead from all. Today in the era of globalization, with deteriorating trade barriers the survival of the fittest is the only workable adage for businesses today. Hence a strong compatible competitive edge is a top requirement.

Cellz Emporium the leading cell phone store in San Antonio is known for its variety and one stop solution. Today the ease and simplification offered at Cellz Emporium has proved a competitive advantage for the store. The store offers every possible variety of cell phones, cases, brands, accessories ranging from head phones to customized hangings Cellz Emporium addresses from the common most to the oddest of the demands any operating active cellular market can make.

It is this variety that our customers visit us time and again with their simplest to the most complicated needs. Be it a simple repair, suggestion or a whole bulk shopping spree, our clients just don’t hesitate to visit us as they know where they can find their stuff in the most convenient and timely fashion.

The people have been visiting our stores in clusters and with the goodwill and the great spread of  word of mouth; I believe we have never seen so much hustle and bustle around. We now realize how  people are actually interested in getting quality, costly gadgets and then ensuring their safety while experiencing them fully. It has been a joy ride for us at Cellz Emporium of the magnificent response of a highly technical and communication friendly market of San Antonio.